by Master Boot Fitter, Tom James in Vancouver, CA

How to Measure and Document your Feet


For your online consultation, Tom will need you to provide some measurements and photos of your feet. This information becomes the cornerstone of the consultation, the more detailed picture of the fit the more comprehensive suggestions and solutions Tom can offer.

This page goes over what information you will need to provide when you book your appointment, including how to measure, trace and take the photos of your feet.


Supplies Needed

  • pen

  • tape measure / ruler

  • straight edge / ruler

  • plain white paper for foot tracing (8.5” x 11” printer paper works well)

  • masking tape

  • camera (phone is fine)

  • a friend or family member to help take photos. Not necessary, but makes it easier


How to take photos of your feet


A camera phone is fine, as long as the image is clear.

Even lighting, not too many shadows.

Thinner ski socks or bare foot is preferable.

For best photo position stand with feet shoulder width apart, bend knees, and align front of each knee above middle toe.

Try to frame the feet as closely as possible when taking profile pictures.

Take photos of the following profiles:


Top of Foot

Take photo from front of knee down to foot. Make sure foot is in focus, and fills most of the picture.

Take a photo for both Left and Right foot.


Outside of Foot

Take profile photo from the outside, at ground level. This profile picture should include the heel and toes.

Take a photo for both Left and Right foot.


Inside of Foot

Take profile photo from the inside, at ground level. This profile picture should include heel and toes. Standing with one foot slightly ahead of the other is okay if its easier to take the inside profile photo that way.

Take a photo for both Left and Right foot.


Calf to Heel from behind

Standing as described above take picture of calf to heel.

This picture should include both legs, in an evenly weighted stance.


How to trace your feet


Stand with both feet on piece of paper in horizontal orientation (as shown), with toes nearing the edge.

Leave enough space in front of toes to trace the shape.

For best tracing position stand with feet an inch or two apart, bend knees, and align front of each knee above middle toe.


Trace outline of each forefoot, being careful to keep the pen angle such that an accurate silhouette is created.

Trace as much of foot as paper size allows.

It’s okay that the heel isn’t traced on the paper. The length measurement and lower leg photos provide the required heel information.


How to measure your feet


Measuring Length of each foot

Place back of heel against wall.


Place a piece of masking tape under your longest toe.

Stand with front of knee bent to align over the middle toe.

Accurately mark the length of the longest toe. Using the roll of tape as a guide helps accurately mark toe length without having to second guess viewing angle.


Measure length in millimetres from wall to marking, and make a note of this number in the corresponding foot tracing.


Measuring Width of each foot

Using a straight edge mark widest point of inside and outside of the traced foot to create parallel (vertical) lines denoting the width.


For each foot tracing, make a horizontal line between the two vertical lines and measure this distance in millimetres.

Repeat this for each foot, marking this measurement by the corresponding foot tracing.


Information to prepare for your fit form


Measurements of your feet

Length and width in metric for both left and right foot

Photos of your FEEt

7 photos of your feet

  • Top of foot - left and right

  • Outside of foot - left and right

  • Inside of foot - left and right

  • Calf and heel from behind - both feet in 1 photo

Photo of YOUR Foot Tracing with Measurements

1 photo of your foot tracing paper.

  • Be sure the forefeet are traced accurately, and length and width are marked clearly on the paper by the appropriate foot. (Instructions above)

  • Make sure the page fills as much of the photo as possible, and that the measurements are in metric, and are clearly written and easy to read.